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Precision Ag is a full-service agricultural retail
business with 4 facilities located in southeast Saskatchewan,
specializing in Crop Nutrition, Crop Protection, and Pedigreed Seed.

Griffin - 306-457-2220
Carlyle - 306-453-2255
Carnduff - 306-482-4343
Odessa - 306-957-2220

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Precision Ag

Quote Ticker
  • CANOLA (Nov 24) 647.2 -25.2 7/26/24   1:26 PM CST
  • CANOLA (Jan 25) 655.2 -23.4 7/26/24   1:26 PM CST
  • CANOLA (Mar 25) 660.2 -21.8 7/26/24   1:26 PM CST
  • CANOLA (May 25) 661.8 -20.6 7/26/24   1:26 PM CST
  • CANOLA (Jul 25) 662.8 -19.9 7/26/24   1:26 PM CST
  • CANOLA (Nov 25) 622.8 -19.1 7/26/24   1:26 PM CST
  • CANOLA (Jan 26) 643.5 -18.9 7/26/24   1:26 PM CST
  • CORN (Sep 24) 394'6 -11'4 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • CORN (Dec 24) 410'0 -10'6 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • CORN (Mar 25) 424'6 -10'6 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Aug 24) 1071'6 -38'4 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Sep 24) 1040'2 -32'4 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Nov 24) 1046'4 -31'0 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • WHEAT (Sep 24) 522'6 -14'2 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • WHEAT (Dec 24) 547'6 -14'0 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • WHEAT (Mar 25) 567'6 -13'6 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • HARD RED WINTER WHEAT (Sep 24) 545'6 -16'0 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • HARD RED WINTER WHEAT (Dec 24) 562'0 -16'0 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • HARD RED WINTER WHEAT (Mar 25) 576'2 -15'4 7/26/24   1:18 PM CST
  • HARD RED SPRING WHEAT (Sep 24) 586'6 -15'2 7/26/24   1:31 PM CST
  • HARD RED SPRING WHEAT (Dec 24) 605'6 -14'4 7/26/24   1:31 PM CST
  • HARD RED SPRING WHEAT (Mar 25) 625'2 -13'4 7/26/24   1:31 PM CST
  • SOYBEAN MEAL (Aug 24) 3514 9 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • SOYBEAN MEAL (Sep 24) 3328 1 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • SOYBEAN MEAL (Oct 24) 3223 - 34 7/26/24   1:19 PM CST
  • CANADIAN DOLLAR (Aug 24) 0.723450 -0.000800 7/26/24   3:01 PM CST
  • CANADIAN DOLLAR (Sep 24) 0.723800 -0.000800 7/26/24   3:59 PM CST
  • CANADIAN DOLLAR (Oct 24) 0.724200 -0.000800 7/26/24   2:02 PM CST

Did You Know?

In 1863 dry farming, as type of commercial agriculture, began in Utah

Fact courtesy of the USDA

Quote of the Day

"The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand."

~ Vince Lombardi,  Legendary Football Coach

Local Conditions
Griffin, SK
Chg Zip Code: 
Temp: 16oC Feels Like: 16oC
Humid: 50% Dew Pt: 6oC
Barom: 29.68 Wind Dir: S
Cond: N/A Wind Spd: 11 km/h
Sunrise: 5:17 Sunset: 8:41
As reported at NME 147, SK at 1:00 AM
Local Radar
Griffin, SK
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Local Forecast
Griffin, SK





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Precip: 0%
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Low: 15°C
Precip: 30%
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Low: 16°C
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High: 28°C
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Precip: 36%
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DTN Crops News
Friday, July 26, 2024 4:51AM CDT
EPA's quest to protect threatened and endangered species when it registers pesticides took its next step on Thursday when the agency released its draft Insecticide Strategy.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024 8:59PM CDT
Day 2 of the Wheat Quality Council's Spring Wheat and Durum Tour concluded Wednesday, July 24, with a total weighted average yield estimate of 52.5 bushels per acre (bpa) for 116 total fields sampled.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024 3:37PM CDT
Just one week before the final 2024 cutoff date for over-the-top application of dicamba herbicides, EPA announced a public comment period for a new label for Syngenta's Tavium product with proposed post-emergence application in both cotton and soybeans.

Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Nov 24 668.8 671.7 645.7 647.2 -25.2 646.5s 07/26 Chart for @RS4X Options for @RS4X
Jan 25 672.4 676.9 653.5 655.2 -23.4 654.1s 07/26 Chart for @RS5F Options for @RS5F
Mar 25 676.6 681.1 659.5 660.2 -21.8 659.9s 07/26 Chart for @RS5H Options for @RS5H
May 25 679.9 680.5 661.6 661.8 -20.6 661.3s 07/26 Chart for @RS5K Options for @RS5K
Jul 25 678.7 678.7 660.4 662.8 -19.9 660.6s 07/26 Chart for @RS5N Options for @RS5N
Nov 25 633.7 633.7 619.9 622.8 -19.1 621.5s 07/26 Chart for @RS5X Options for @RS5X
Jan 26 643.5 -18.9 617.9s 07/26 Chart for @RS6F Options for @RS6F
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Sep 24 405'6 406'4 394'0 394'6 -11'4 394'4s 07/26 Chart for @C4U Options for @C4U
Dec 24 421'0 421'6 409'2 410'0 -10'6 410'0s 07/26 Chart for @C4Z Options for @C4Z
Mar 25 435'2 436'0 424'2 424'6 -10'6 424'4s 07/26 Chart for @C5H Options for @C5H
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Aug 24 1113'2 1117'2 1071'4 1071'6 -38'4 1077'4s 07/26 Chart for @S4Q Options for @S4Q
Sep 24 1068'6 1075'6 1038'6 1040'2 -32'4 1042'0s 07/26 Chart for @S4U Options for @S4U
Nov 24 1077'6 1080'4 1045'0 1046'4 -31'0 1048'4s 07/26 Chart for @S4X Options for @S4X
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Sep 24 537'0 541'2 522'0 522'6 -14'2 523'4s 07/26 Chart for @W4U Options for @W4U
Dec 24 561'4 565'6 546'6 547'6 -14'0 548'4s 07/26 Chart for @W4Z Options for @W4Z
Mar 25 580'6 585'4 567'2 567'6 -13'6 569'0s 07/26 Chart for @W5H Options for @W5H
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Sep 24 561'0 566'2 544'4 545'6 -16'0 545'4s 07/26 Chart for @KW4U Options for @KW4U
Dec 24 577'4 582'0 561'0 562'0 -16'0 562'0s 07/26 Chart for @KW4Z Options for @KW4Z
Mar 25 591'2 595'2 575'2 576'2 -15'4 576'4s 07/26 Chart for @KW5H Options for @KW5H
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Sep 24 603'6 612'6 586'4 586'6 -15'2 588'4s 07/26 Chart for @MW4U Options for @MW4U
Dec 24 623'2 630'4 605'6 605'6 -14'4 607'4s 07/26 Chart for @MW4Z Options for @MW4Z
Mar 25 638'6 646'4 624'0 625'2 -13'4 625'2s 07/26 Chart for @MW5H Options for @MW5H
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Aug 24 3524 3548 3493 3514 9 3533s 07/26 Chart for @SM4Q Options for @SM4Q
Sep 24 3343 3360 3298 3328 1 3343s 07/26 Chart for @SM4U Options for @SM4U
Oct 24 3266 3266 3203 3223 - 34 3232s 07/26 Chart for @SM4V Options for @SM4V
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Aug 24 0.724350 0.724450 0.723050 0.723450 -0.000800 0.723150s 07/26 Chart for @CD4Q Options for @CD4Q
Sep 24 0.724350 0.725300 0.723100 0.723800 -0.000800 0.723750s 07/26 Chart for @CD4U Options for @CD4U
Oct 24 0.725500 0.725550 0.724200 0.724200 -0.000800 0.724300s 07/26 Chart for @CD4V Options for @CD4V
QCL - Not Authorized - NYMEX
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Sep 24 Chart for QCL4U Options for QCL4U
Oct 24 Chart for QCL4V Options for QCL4V
Nov 24 Chart for QCL4X Options for QCL4X
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