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Precision Ag is a full-service agricultural retail
business with 4 facilities located in southeast Saskatchewan,
specializing in Crop Nutrition, Crop Protection, and Pedigreed Seed.

Griffin - 306-457-2220
Carlyle - 306-453-2255
Carnduff - 306-482-4343
Odessa - 306-957-2220

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Precision Ag

Quote Ticker
  • CANOLA (Nov 24) 598.2 -16.3 10/15/24   1:24 PM CST
  • CANOLA (Jan 25) 609.3 -17.0 10/15/24   1:24 PM CST
  • CANOLA (Mar 25) 621.0 -17.5 10/15/24   1:24 PM CST
  • CANOLA (May 25) 629.4 -17.3 10/15/24   1:24 PM CST
  • CANOLA (Jul 25) 635.0 -17.2 10/15/24   1:24 PM CST
  • CANOLA (Nov 25) 628.8 -16.2 10/15/24   1:24 PM CST
  • CANOLA (Jan 26) 646.6 -16.0 10/15/24   1:24 PM CST
  • CORN (Dec 24) 401'4 -7'0 10/15/24   1:19 PM CST
  • CORN (Mar 25) 417'4 -7'2 10/15/24   1:19 PM CST
  • CORN (May 25) 426'2 -7'0 10/15/24   1:19 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Nov 24) 992'4 -5'0 10/15/24   1:19 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Jan 25) 1004'6 -8'0 10/15/24   1:19 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Mar 25) 1018'0 -8'4 10/15/24   1:19 PM CST
  • WHEAT (Dec 24) 581'2 -5'6 10/15/24   1:19 PM CST
  • WHEAT (Mar 25) 602'2 -6'4 10/15/24   1:19 PM CST
  • WHEAT (May 25) 612'6 -7'4 10/15/24   1:19 PM CST
  • HARD RED WINTER WHEAT (Dec 24) 584'4 -7'0 10/15/24   1:19 PM CST
  • HARD RED WINTER WHEAT (Mar 25) 600'2 -7'2 10/15/24   1:19 PM CST
  • HARD RED WINTER WHEAT (May 25) 610'2 -7'4 10/15/24   1:19 PM CST
  • HARD RED SPRING WHEAT (Dec 24) 617'4 -10'2 10/15/24   1:31 PM CST
  • HARD RED SPRING WHEAT (Mar 25) 639'4 -9'6 10/15/24   1:31 PM CST
  • HARD RED SPRING WHEAT (May 25) 651'0 -9'4 10/15/24   1:31 PM CST
  • SOYBEAN MEAL (Dec 24) 3121 - 35 10/15/24   1:19 PM CST
  • SOYBEAN MEAL (Jan 25) 3117 - 37 10/15/24   1:19 PM CST
  • SOYBEAN MEAL (Mar 25) 3134 - 38 10/15/24   1:19 PM CST
  • CANADIAN DOLLAR (Oct 24) 0.722750 -0.000250 10/15/24   9:16 AM CST
  • CANADIAN DOLLAR (Nov 24) 0.726200     CST
  • CANADIAN DOLLAR (Dec 24) 0.726850 0.000550 10/15/24   5:20 PM CST

Did You Know?

In 1869 the first transcontinental railroad was completed

Fact courtesy of the USDA

Quote of the Day

"If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito."

~ African Proverb

Local Conditions
Griffin, SK
Chg Zip Code: 
Temp: 13oC Feels Like: 13oC
Humid: 40% Dew Pt: -1oC
Barom: 30.06 Wind Dir: S
Cond: N/A Wind Spd: 26 km/h
Sunrise: 7:15 Sunset: 6:01
As reported at NME 147, SK at 4:00 PM
Local Radar
Griffin, SK
Local Temps
Local Forecast
Griffin, SK





High: 14°C
Low: 2°C
Precip: 0%
High: 21°C
Low: 4°C
Precip: 0%
High: 13°C
Low: 6°C
Precip: 49%
High: 11°C
Low: 1°C
Precip: 0%
High: 14°C
Low: 1°C
Precip: 0%
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DTN Crops News
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 10:56AM CDT
The seed industry continues to see consolidation and company reorganizations, reflecting a challenging environment to increase market share and to better serve farmers.

Thursday, October 10, 2024 9:53AM CDT
A USDA-backed chicken processing plant in Iowa shut down, filing for bankruptcy, leaving 1.6 million chickens and numerous farmers without income, sparking animal welfare concerns across Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin. USDA is now looking into potential dealer trust claims.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:52PM CDT
A group of 47 Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives asked the head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to ban the use of the herbicide paraquat.

Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Nov 24 605.8 609.4 597.1 598.2 -16.3 598.1s 01:24P Chart for @RS4X Options for @RS4X
Jan 25 622.9 622.9 608.5 609.3 -17.0 609.8s 01:24P Chart for @RS5F Options for @RS5F
Mar 25 634.0 634.0 619.6 621.0 -17.5 620.9s 01:24P Chart for @RS5H Options for @RS5H
May 25 642.3 642.3 628.7 629.4 -17.3 629.3s 01:24P Chart for @RS5K Options for @RS5K
Jul 25 648.0 648.0 635.0 635.0 -17.2 634.9s 01:24P Chart for @RS5N Options for @RS5N
Nov 25 641.0 641.2 628.0 628.8 -16.2 628.8s 01:24P Chart for @RS5X Options for @RS5X
Jan 26 646.6 -16.0 628.7s 01:24P Chart for @RS6F Options for @RS6F
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Dec 24 408'0 408'0 400'4 401'4 -7'0 401'2s 05:15P Chart for @C4Z Options for @C4Z
Mar 25 424'2 424'4 416'6 417'4 -7'2 417'4s 05:19P Chart for @C5H Options for @C5H
May 25 432'0 432'6 425'4 426'2 -7'0 426'0s 04:49P Chart for @C5K Options for @C5K
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Nov 24 995'0 996'0 981'0 992'4 -5'0 991'0s 05:16P Chart for @S4X Options for @S4X
Jan 25 1011'0 1011'6 995'6 1004'6 -8'0 1003'4s 05:02P Chart for @S5F Options for @S5F
Mar 25 1023'0 1025'2 1009'4 1018'0 -8'4 1016'6s 05:19P Chart for @S5H Options for @S5H
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Dec 24 585'4 586'6 578'0 581'2 -5'6 579'4s 04:45P Chart for @W4Z Options for @W4Z
Mar 25 609'0 609'0 599'4 602'2 -6'4 600'6s 03:52P Chart for @W5H Options for @W5H
May 25 619'6 621'0 610'6 612'6 -7'4 611'4s 01:30P Chart for @W5K Options for @W5K
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Dec 24 590'2 591'4 581'4 584'4 -7'0 583'0s 05:11P Chart for @KW4Z Options for @KW4Z
Mar 25 608'0 608'0 597'4 600'2 -7'2 598'6s 02:32P Chart for @KW5H Options for @KW5H
May 25 618'2 618'2 607'6 610'2 -7'4 608'6s 01:30P Chart for @KW5K Options for @KW5K
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Dec 24 626'0 628'0 616'0 617'4 -10'2 616'2s 04:45P Chart for @MW4Z Options for @MW4Z
Mar 25 649'2 649'2 637'4 639'4 -9'6 638'0s 05:02P Chart for @MW5H Options for @MW5H
May 25 658'2 658'4 649'6 651'0 -9'4 650'0s 01:31P Chart for @MW5K Options for @MW5K
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Dec 24 3156 3164 3088 3121 - 35 3118s 04:58P Chart for @SM4Z Options for @SM4Z
Jan 25 3151 3159 3091 3117 - 37 3114s 04:47P Chart for @SM5F Options for @SM5F
Mar 25 3171 3172 3109 3134 - 38 3128s 04:45P Chart for @SM5H Options for @SM5H
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Oct 24 0.723200 0.723200 0.722750 0.722750 -0.000250 0.724250s 04:00P Chart for @CD4V Options for @CD4V
Nov 24 0.726600 0.726250 0.726200 0.725700 Chart for @CD4X Options for @CD4X
Dec 24 0.727150 0.727200 0.726800 0.726850 0.000550 0.726300 05:19P Chart for @CD4Z Options for @CD4Z
QCL - Not Authorized - NYMEX
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Nov 24 Chart for QCL4X Options for QCL4X
Dec 24 Chart for QCL4Z Options for QCL4Z
Jan 25 Chart for QCL5F Options for QCL5F
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